Debbie White, The Office of the Official Solicitor
Debbie White's acquiescence, acceptance, dishonour and admission of the concealment of the frauds and falsehoods.
: Date: 14th day of the month of February in the year of our Lord 2024.
: Notice of Irrevocable Estoppel by Acquiescence;
: Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent,
Dear: Debbie White,
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits.
It is now established by irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence on and for the record and let the record show that you: Debbie White is in acceptance of this lasting tacit binding agreement by implied admission by absence of a response, your silence is: Debbie White's acquiescence, acceptance, dishonour and admission of the concealment of the frauds and falsehoods given by: Debbie White and confirms that: Debbie White understands, accepts and consents to the following points below are true and correct:
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly fabricate the story of a revocation by the Lord Chancellor in the year 2012, that she claimed revoked the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement issued/amendment: ~27th of January, 2020.
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly fabricated the revocation by the Lord Chancellor for the purpose of the concealment of the Pentonville Prison Governor: Ian Blakeman's breach of the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, and to help conceal the unlawful and false imprisonment of: Jason-Steven: Wong.
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly fabricated the revocation for the purposes of the concealment of the fraud, and that fraud being that there is no legitimate warrant issued by a court for the lawful imprisonment of: Jason-Steven: Wong.
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly commit gross negligence by fabricating a revocation by a Lord Chancellor alleged to have revoked the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, which is a fraud in and of itself and fraud is equal to gross negligence.
Debbie White consciously and wilfully acting in negligence and dereliction of her duty dishonourably failed to respond to my deadlines and therefore: Debbie White does understand, accept and consent that: Debbie White is guilty of the points: ~1, ~2, ~3 and ~4 above by tacit assent by acquiescence, and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence.
Proof of service:
First Email Requesting the Alleged Warrant, sent 11 January 2024 12:20: Opened Four (4) times.
Notice and Demand, sent On Saturday, 20th January 2024 at 18:52: Opened Two (2) times.
Notice and Demand, sent On Monday, 22nd January 2024 at 13:54: Opened One (1) time.
Notice of [De]fault; Opportunity to Cure, sent On Monday, 29th January 2024 at 21:40: Opened One (1) time
Notice of Estoppel, sent On Tuesday, 6th February 2024 at 19:59: Opened Ten (10) times.
I am now instructing you: Debbie White to supply me with a copy of your professional indemnity insurance policy details post haste by return.
I look forward to your timely response: Let justice been done though the heavens fall,
· Implied admission by absence of a response or non substantive legal answer,
· This will be used as evidence,
· Silence can only be construed as you: Debbie White are knowingly and willingly consenting by tacit assent by acquiescence, by implied admission by absence of a response, you are in acceptance and dishonour.
: Jason S. Wong
: All Rights Reserved and invoked,
Date: 14th of February, 2024.
Notice of Estoppel
On Tue, 6 Feb 2024 at 19:59, : Jason: Wong. <> wrote:
Addressee Only: Debbie White,
The Office of the Official Solicitor
81 Chancery Lane
: Jason-Steven: Wong.
c/o: ~xxxxxxxxxxxx
: ~East Leake
: ~ Loughborough
: ~Nottinghamshire
: [xxxxxx]
: Ængland, Not the United Kingdom
: Notice of Estoppel;
: Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent,
Dear: Debbie White,
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits.
It is now established on and for the record and let the record show that you: Debbie White is in acceptance of this lasting tacit binding agreement by implied admission by absence of a response, Silence is: Debbie White's acquiescence, acceptance, dishonour and admission of the concealment of the fraud and falsehoods given by: Debbie White and confirms that: Debbie White understands, accepts and consents to the following points below are true and correct by silence and tacit assent by acquiescence:
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly fabricate the revocation in the year 2012 of the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement issued in the year 2020.
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly fabricated the revocation for the purpose of the concealment of the Pentonville Prison Governor: Ian Blakeman's breach of the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, and unlawful and false imprisonment of: Jason-Steven: Wong.
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly fabricated the revocation for the purposes of the concealment of the fraud, that fraud being that there is no warrant issued by the court for the lawful imprisonment of: Jason-Steven: Wong.
Debbie White did knowingly and willingly commit gross negligence by fabricating the revocation of the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, which is a fraud in and of itself and fraud is equal to gross negligence.
I have taken note that you have failed to respond to my deadlines and therefore: Debbie White does understand, accept and consent that: Debbie White is guilty of points: ~1, ~2, ~3 and ~4 above by tacit assent by acquiescence.
Out of extra courtesy I give you: Debbie White a further Seven (7) days to give response to my notice of Estoppel.
You are hereby instructed to give a full and transparent response to my notice and demands at your earliest possible convenience, and in any event no later than by 4pm Tuesday the 13th of February, 2024, If you ignore this last courtesy offer to rebut what is stated it will mean you consent to the validity of the claim.
I look forward to your timely response: Let justice been done though the heavens fall,
· Implied admission by absence of a response or non substantive legal answer,
· This will be used as evidence,
· Silence can only be construed as you: Debbie White are knowingly and willingly consenting by tacit assent by acquiescence, by implied admission by absence of a response and dishonour.
: Jason S. Wong
: All Rights Reserved and invoked,
Date: 6th of February, 2024.
: cc to whom it may concern,
Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent.
Notice of [De]fault; Opportunity to Cure
On Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 21:40, : Jason: Wong. <> wrote:
Addressee Only: Debbie White,
The Office of the Official Solicitor
81 Chancery Lane
: Jason-Steven: Wong.
c/o: ~xxxxxxxxxxx
: ~East Leake
: ~ Loughborough
: ~Nottinghamshire
: [xxxxxx]
: Ængland, Not the United Kingdom
: Notice of [De]fault; Opportunity to Cure;
: Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent,
Dear: Debbie White,
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits.
I have taken note that you have failed to respond by my deadline and are therefore accepting that you have given false information and concealing a wrong committed against me. Out of courtesy I give you a further Seven (7) days to give response to my notice and demand
You are hereby instructed to give a full and transparent response to my notice and demand at your earliest possible convenience, and in any event no later than by 4pm Monday the 5th of February 2024, or kindly confirm in writing or by implied admission by absence of a response that you are tacitly agreeing by acquiescence that I have been given a false information by you: Debbie White, to cover up for the Pentonville Prison Governor: Ian Blakeman's failings and an alleged sealed Warrant for Custodial Sentence issued by the court, because it never existed, and is not a legitimate material fact, and in fact the alleged warrant should have been sent to you in accordance with the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement by Ian Blakeman, but it does not exist as a material fact and that you are confirming that I have therefore been unlawfully or falsely imprisoned.
I look forward to your timely response: Let justice been done though the heavens fall,
· Implied admission by absence of a response or non substantive legal answer,
· This will be used as evidence,
· Silence is acquiescence.
: Jason S. Wong
: All Rights Reserved,
Date: 29th of January 2024.
: cc to whom it may concern,
Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent.
Notice and Demand
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 13:54, : Jason: Wong. <> wrote:
Addressee Only: Debbie White,
The Office of the Official Solicitor
81 Chancery Lane
: Jason-Steven: Wong.
c/o: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: ~East Leake
: ~ Loughborough
: ~Nottinghamshire
: [xxxxxx]
: Ængland, Not the United Kingdom
: Notice and Demand;
: Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent,
Dear: Debbie White,
I have received an email in response to my quest, however it fails to satisfy the closure I need and is by an unidentifiable author.
Therefore can you kindly certify what has stated by supplying me with the evidence that confirms the statements are true for my necessary closure that I need from you.
Where it is state:
I have attached a copy of the notice of revocation of the requirement that was signed on 1 November 2011.
Unfortunately, PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement is incorrect and the prison service should have amended that requirement. A senior colleague at the Official Solicitor’s Office will be writing to the prison service to inform them of this.
I can confirm the prison service and specifically Pentonville prison have not filed a copy of any warrant or order for committal relating to you, with the Official Solicitor’s Office.
To confirm: It is no longer a mandatory requirement of the prison service to provide the Official Solicitor with a copy of warrant for committal and PSO 4600 3.4 is incorrect and should be amended.
: Take-Notice:
Firstly the signature on the piece of paper that an unidentified author states is a copy of the notice of revocation is unrecognisable and does not have the name in print below it and also is dated 1st of November 2012, not 2011, and secondly it is in violation of the Companies Act 2006 §44: Execution of Documents, & §45: Common Seal. For my record I need the confirmation in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that this is the notice of revocation that revokes or nullifies the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
Where it states: PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement is incorrect and the prison service should have amended that requirement. A senior colleague at the Official Solicitor’s Office will be writing to the prison service to inform them of this. For my record I need the identity of this senior colleague at the Official Solicitor's Office and: confirmation by them in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement is in fact incorrect, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
Where it states: I can confirm the prison service and specifically Pentonville prison have not filed a copy of any warrant or order for committal relating to you, with the Official Solicitor’s Office, For my record I need this confirmation in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that this is true, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45. This is because the email and the body of text it contains that I am responding to has no identifiable author and is not signed.
Where it states: To confirm: It is no longer a mandatory requirement of the prison service to provide the Official Solicitor with a copy of warrant for committal and PSO 4600 3.4 is incorrect and should be amended, For my record I need this confirmation in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that this is true, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
: Demand:
Supply the specific evidence for what I have stipulated in points: ~1, ~2, ~3, ~4 above, under penalty of perjury and full professional, commercial and personal liability signed in wet ink and in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
For my record kindly supply me the identity of the author of the email I received today Monday the 22nd of January 2024, sender's email location: This is the email I am now responding to and is below.
Kindly confirm for me by return, on and for the record that the employees of the Office of the Official Solicitors are civil servants and are contractually obligated to act in accordance with the Seven Principles of Public Life (also known as the Nolan Principles) or if they are members of the Solicitors Regulation Authority and are to adhere to the Seven SRA Principles.
This demand it is to be given a response to me by you at your earliest convenience, and in any event no later than 4pm Monday the 29th of January 2024, or kindly confirm in writing or by implied admission by absence of a response that you are tacitly agreeing by acquiescence that I have been given a false information to cover up for the Pentonville Prison Governor: Ian Blakeman's failings and a sealed Warrant for Custodial Sentence issued by the court, if it existed as a legitimate material fact, should have been sent to you in accordance with the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, but does not exist as a material fact and that I have therefore been unlawfully or falsely imprisoned.
I look forward to your timely response: Let justice been done though the heavens fall,
· Implied admission by absence of a response or non substantive legal answer,
· This will be used as evidence,
· Silence is acquiescence.
: Jason S. Wong
: All Rights Reserved,
Date: 22nd of January 2024.
: cc to whom it may concern,
Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent.
Notice and Demand
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 13:54, : Jason: Wong. <> wrote:
Addressee Only: Debbie White,
The Office of the Official Solicitor
81 Chancery Lane
: Jason-Steven: Wong.
c/o: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: ~East Leake
: ~ Loughborough
: ~Nottinghamshire
: [xxxxxx]
: Ængland, Not the United Kingdom
: Notice and Demand;
: Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent,
Dear: Debbie White,
I have received an email in response to my quest, however it fails to satisfy the closure I need and is by an unidentifiable author.
Therefore can you kindly certify what has stated by supplying me with the evidence that confirms the statements are true for my necessary closure that I need from you.
Where it is state:
I have attached a copy of the notice of revocation of the requirement that was signed on 1 November 2011.
Unfortunately, PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement is incorrect and the prison service should have amended that requirement. A senior colleague at the Official Solicitor’s Office will be writing to the prison service to inform them of this.
I can confirm the prison service and specifically Pentonville prison have not filed a copy of any warrant or order for committal relating to you, with the Official Solicitor’s Office.
To confirm: It is no longer a mandatory requirement of the prison service to provide the Official Solicitor with a copy of warrant for committal and PSO 4600 3.4 is incorrect and should be amended.
: Take-Notice:
Firstly the signature on the piece of paper that an unidentified author states is a copy of the notice of revocation is unrecognisable and does not have the name in print below it and also is dated 1st of November 2012, not 2011, and secondly it is in violation of the Companies Act 2006 §44: Execution of Documents, & §45: Common Seal. For my record I need the confirmation in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that this is the notice of revocation that revokes or nullifies the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
Where it states: PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement is incorrect and the prison service should have amended that requirement. A senior colleague at the Official Solicitor’s Office will be writing to the prison service to inform them of this. For my record I need the identity of this senior colleague at the Official Solicitor's Office and: confirmation by them in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement is in fact incorrect, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
Where it states: I can confirm the prison service and specifically Pentonville prison have not filed a copy of any warrant or order for committal relating to you, with the Official Solicitor’s Office, For my record I need this confirmation in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that this is true, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45. This is because the email and the body of text it contains that I am responding to has no identifiable author and is not signed.
Where it states: To confirm: It is no longer a mandatory requirement of the prison service to provide the Official Solicitor with a copy of warrant for committal and PSO 4600 3.4 is incorrect and should be amended, For my record I need this confirmation in the form of a written document certifying on and for the record that this is true, and this document when sent to me should be in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
: Demand:
Supply the specific evidence for what I have stipulated in points: ~1, ~2, ~3, ~4 above, under penalty of perjury and full professional, commercial and personal liability signed in wet ink and in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 §44 & §45.
For my record kindly supply me the identity of the author of the email I received today Monday the 22nd of January 2024, sender's email location: This is the email I am now responding to and is below.
Kindly confirm for me by return, on and for the record that the employees of the Office of the Official Solicitors are civil servants and are contractually obligated to act in accordance with the Seven Principles of Public Life (also known as the Nolan Principles) or if they are members of the Solicitors Regulation Authority and are to adhere to the Seven SRA Principles.
This demand it is to be given a response to me by you at your earliest convenience, and in any event no later than 4pm Monday the 29th of January 2024, or kindly confirm in writing or by implied admission by absence of a response that you are tacitly agreeing by acquiescence that I have been given a false information to cover up for the Pentonville Prison Governor: Ian Blakeman's failings and a sealed Warrant for Custodial Sentence issued by the court, if it existed as a legitimate material fact, should have been sent to you in accordance with the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement, but does not exist as a material fact and that I have therefore been unlawfully or falsely imprisoned.
I look forward to your timely response: Let justice been done though the heavens fall,
· Implied admission by absence of a response or non substantive legal answer,
· This will be used as evidence,
· Silence is acquiescence.
: Jason S. Wong
: All Rights Reserved,
Date: 22nd of January 2024.
: cc to whom it may concern,
Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent.
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 11:27, OS Civil Litigation <> wrote:
Good morning Mr. Wong
Thank you for your email dated 20 January 2024.
I have attached a copy of the notice of revocation of the requirement that was signed on 1 November 2011.
Unfortunately, PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement is incorrect and the prison service should have amended that requirement. A senior colleague at the Official Solicitor’s Office will be writing to the prison service to inform them of this.
I can confirm the prison service and specifically Pentonville prison have not filed a copy of any warrant or order for committal relating to you, with the Official Solicitor’s Office.
To confirm: It is no longer a mandatory requirement of the prison service to provide the Official Solicitor with a copy of warrant for committal and PSO 4600 3.4 is incorrect and should be amended.
Kind regards
The Civil Pre Acceptance Team
The Official Solicitor & Public Trustee
Post Point 0.53
102 Petty France
London SW1H 9AJ
DX: Post Point 0.53
Official Solicitor & Public Trustee
DX 152380 Westminster 8
When replying to e-mails, please use the six digit case reference in this format (ref:xxxxxx) and ensure it is included in the subject line of your response. This will ensure that any correspondence will be allocated to the case quickly. Failure to include such may result in some delay.
Notice and Demand
From: : Jason: Wong. <>
Sent: 20 January 2024 18:52
To: OS Civil Litigation <>
Subject: : Urgent-FAO: Debbie White
To: Debbie White,
The Office of the Official Solicitor
81 Chancery Lane
: Jason-Steven: Wong.
c/o: ~xxxxxxxxxxx
: ~East Leake
: ~ Loughborough
: ~Nottinghamshire
: [xxxxxx]
: Ængland, Not the United Kingdom
: Notice and Demand;
: Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent,
Dear: Debbie White,
Thank you for your email in response to my quest, however it fails to satisfy the closure I need.
Therefore can you kindly certify what you have stated by supplying me with the evidence that confirms your statements are true for my necessary closure that I need from you.
Where you state:
The provision to provide the Official Solicitor with a copy of a warrant of committal in any contempt of court matter was revoked in 2012 by the Lord Chancellor.
The Official Solicitor therefore has not dealings with this matter and is unable to assist with providing a copy.
: Take-Notice:
As per point 1 above I need sight of the material evidence and/or source of that material evidence that certifies what you have stated is true and correct. The reason I need this closure on and for the record is because the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement has a re-issue date of the 27/1/2020 and therefore is a long time after the date of 2012 you claim the Lord Chancellor revoked this Mandatory Requirement in 2012, copied in below:
PSO 4600 Re-Issue Date – 27/01/2020
3.4 Mandatory Requirement : The prison must notify the Official Solicitor of the reception of all prisoners committed for contempt of court (including persons committed under section 63(3) of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980). A copy of the warrant, together with the name, prison number and address of the prison should be sent to:
The Office of the Official Solicitor
81 Chancery Lane
Link Here:
You state you are unable to assist with providing a copy of the warrant. By your response that you have given me, which is unsubstantiated and illogical as the statement that you made would infer that the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement that has a re-issue date of the 27/1/2020 was revoked in the year 2012, this does not make any sense how can someone revoke something 8 years before its made? and does not answer my quest for the officially certified copy of the sealed warrant of committal issued by the court to validate its authenticity sent to you by employees at Pentonville Prison. You have failed to tell me that the employees at the Pentonville Prison have not sent the alleged warrant, I didn't ask if they had to because the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement that has a re-issue date of the 27/1/2020 already confirmed to me that they did, I asked you to send me a copy of what they had sent, if they have not sent you the Warrant of committal I need that confirming on and for the record.
: Demand:
Supply the specific stipulated evidence that clarifies that the Lord Chancellor in 2012 revoked the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement that has a re-issue date of the 27/1/2020. I need it in writing signed under penalty of perjury and full professional, commercial and personal liability if you are stating that the PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement has been revoked by the Lord Chancellor in 2012.
Confirm in writing as to whether the employees of pentonville prison have adhered to their mandatory requirement and have sent the Warrant of Committal to the Office of the Official Solicitor: Yes or No? If yes, forward me a copy at your earliest possible convenience.
This demand it is to be given a response to me by you at your earliest convenience, and in any event no later than 4pm Friday the 25th of January 2024, or kindly confirm in writing or by implied admission by absence of a response that you are tacitly agreeing by acquiescence that you have given a false and misleading statement to cover up for the Pentonville Prison Governor: Ian Blakeman's failings and a sealed Warrant for Custodial Sentence issued by the court does not exist as a material fact and that I have therefore been unlawfully or falsely imprisoned.
I look forward to your timely response: Let justice been done though the heavens fall,
· Implied admission by absence of a response or non substantive legal answer,
· This will be used as evidence,
· Silence is acquiescence.
: Jason S. Wong
: All Rights Reserved,
Date: 20th of January 2024.
: cc to whom it may concern,
Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent.
On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 at 12:17, OS Civil Litigation <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Wong
Thank you for your email to the Official Solicitors Office.
The provision to provide the Official Solicitor with a copy of a warrant of committal in any contempt of court matter was revoked in 2012 by the Lord Chancellor.
The Official Solicitor therefore has not dealings with this matter and is unable to assist with providing a copy.
Kind regards
Debbie White
The Civil Pre Acceptance Team
The Official Solicitor & Public Trustee
Post Point 0.53
102 Petty France
London SW1H 9AJ
DX: Post Point 0.53
Official Solicitor & Public Trustee
DX 152380 Westminster 8
When replying to e-mails, please use the six digit case reference in this format (ref:xxxxxx) and ensure it is included in the subject line of your response. This will ensure that any correspondence will be allocated to the case quickly. Failure to include such may result in some delay.
From: : Jason: Wong. <>
Sent: 11 January 2024 14:20
To: OS Civil Litigation <>; OS - Enquiries (OSPT) <>
Subject: : Urgent-Attention by an Official Solicitor
To: The Official Solicitor,
The Office of the Official Solicitor
81 Chancery Lane
: Jason-Steven: Wong.
c/o: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: ~East Leake
: ~ Loughborough
: ~Nottinghamshire
: [xxxxxx]
: Ængland, Not the United Kingdom
Dear: Sirs
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits.
I am a man of the name: Jason-Steven: Wong, I am currently being held against my will and without my consent at the Pentonville Prison who's staff have created a Prison Number: [A4097FA] without my consent and cannot supply either a Sealed Order of Conviction, issued by the court or a sealed Warrant for Custodial Sentence issued by the court for its lawful creation.
I write to formally quest further information or clarification, this information is what I need for my record which is paramount in my quest for the truth and full closure from your good selves and by your common law duty to be open and transparent.
I require from you, an officially certified copy of the alleged warrant that you must have been sent by: Ian Blakeman, the governor at the Pentonville Prison who should have sent it to you as it is a mandatory requirement.
A member of the Pentonville Prison should have by now sent you a warrant and other information in accordance with: PSO 4600, 3.4 Mandatory Requirement.
I am forwarding the requests below that I have previously sent to: Ian Blakeman, acting governor of Pentonville Prison on and for the record.
This request for an officially certified copy of the sealed warrant issued by the court to validate its authenticity and it is to be given to me at your earliest convenience, and in any event no later than 4pm Thursday the 18th of January 2024, or kindly confirm in writing or by implied admission by absence of a response that neither the: Sealed Order of Conviction, issued by the court or a sealed Warrant for Custodial Sentence issued by the court exist as a material fact and that I have therefore been unlawfully or falsely imprisoned.
I look forward to your timely response: Let justice been done though the heavens fall,
· Implied admission by absence of a response or non substantive legal answer,
· This will be used as evidence,
· Silence is acquiescence.
: Jason S. Wong
: All Rights Reserved,
Date: 11th of January 2024.
: cc to whom it may concern,
Notice to agent is notice to principal; Notice to principal is notice to agent.