disgusting reprobates from solicitors to judges courts and bent corrupt police who knowingly enforce terrorism and child thetf for nothing more than a pay packet. same happened to me in 1994 and despite supposedly WINNING the case and exposing a child abusive council child worker NAMED GARDENER the judge ALLOWED the illegal adoption and my son endured being brought up with violence from abusive father but knows no better. Now he's just as violent and refuses to believe anything but the falsified documents the parents hold over him. case and Point the mother was already a convicted child abuser who's daughter was illegally BY GARDENER AGAIN passed to her own mother for adoption and brought up ruling over the weka willed mother for all time. But a single FATHER... not a chance.. the pedophiles and perverts remain in power and continue with their child theft and abusive crimes on a daily basis. so much for the UK being a so called advanced society.

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Kerrie got released today.

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